OZI CRAFT, based in Sialkot, Pakistan, have been manufacturers the fine quality leather clothing, leather gloves, leather handbags, leather purse, leather wallets, leather belts, different kinds of small leather goods and accessories, leather promotional items and leather fetish gear since 1977. Extensive research and many years of manufacturing experience have gone into every aspect of the design and quality control of our leather products, to ensure that any item bearing the “SUPERLATIVE” label will provide decades of use in the different kinds of environments.   


OZI CRAFT, with a small set up in 2017 from the city of export, Sialkot – Pakistan, entered in the vast international market of leather and leather garments.  The quality entrepreneurship and visionary leadership of Mr. Bilal Aslam Kalova (CEO), soon gave ‘OZI CRAFT‘ a distinctive name in the top quality manufacturers of the industry. After earning a good reputation in the leather and leather garments industry, it came in the leather bondage items, again the result was success that quality products brought, through gaining the customer satisfaction and trust.


By the virtue of management’s commitment, employee’s dedication, skill and experience, innovation and edge of modern technology, Superlative continuously stepped forward and appeared as an icon of quality on the desktop of Leather, Leather clothing, leather gloves, leather goods and Leather fetish industry.